Vocal Coach Susanna 1st REACTION & ANALYSIS & Zhang Yingxi — Thousands of miles, a common dream

Название: Vocal Coach Susanna 1st REACTION & ANALYSIS & Zhang Yingxi — Thousands of miles, a common dream

Категория: Казахские песни

Длительность: 00:08:34

Год: 2022-02-13 21:00:11

Добавил: Stimmbildung Online

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Видео Vocal Coach Susanna 1st REACTION & ANALYSIS & Zhang Yingxi — Thousands of miles, a common dream

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Performance in the festive 2022 New Year’s program of the CCTV-1 TV channel. Duet with Chinese tenor, a pupil of Placido Domingo, soloist of the Metropolitan Opera talented Yinxi Zhang. Dimash and Yinxi performed the beautiful song «Thousands of miles, a common dream».

Lyrics: (Tang) Zhang Jiuling- (唐) 张九龄)
Kevin (K凯文)
Music: Xu Letong (徐乐同)

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