Dimash Kudaibergen — STRANGER (2022)

Название: Dimash Kudaibergen — STRANGER (2022)

Категория: Казахские песни

Длительность: 00:05:31

Год: 2022-05-22 20:14:15

Добавил: Dimash KDW

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Видео Dimash Kudaibergen — STRANGER (2022)

Música — Igor Krutoy
Letras — Sharon Vaughn
Arreglista: Dimitris Kontopoulos (Grecia) y Yerlan Bekchurin (Kazajstán)

New ground
Far as I can see
New ground
Underneath my feet
In a stranger’s land
New chance to know who I am
If I have the strength
To begin again
Somewhere in my heart in ancient times I wandered
Through these valleys I have climbed among these hills
Faces from a past I’m haunted by their mem’ries
Lives and loves I’ve lost I feel them in me still
New ground
Far as I can see
New ground
Underneath my feet
In a stranger’s land
New chance to know who I am
If I have the strength
To begin again
Far as I can see
New ground
Underneath my feet
In a stranger’s land
New chance to know who I am
If I have the strength
To begin again
New ground
Far as I can see
New ground
Underneath my feet
In a stranger’s land
New chance to know who I am
If I have the strength
To begin again

La idea de agregar kobyz a la nueva canción se le ocurrió a Dimash después de escuchar por primera vez la melodía ‘Stranger’. Decidió que el instrumento popular encajaría perfectamente en la canción, dándole un sonido emocionante. El intérprete de la parte de kobyz es Olzhas Kurmanbek.

Dimash en las redes sociales:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dimash.offic…
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kudaibergen…
VKontakte: https://vk.com/id204026563
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dimash_official
TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJMQpfEj/
Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/6081887607
Wikipedia — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimash_…

Sitio web oficial de noticias: https://en.dimashnews.com

#dimash #dimashkudaibergen #dimash #dimashkudaibergen #dimashqudaibergen #dq # 迪玛希

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