Call it love?

Название: Call it love?

Категория: Казахские песни

Длительность: 00:01:48

Год: 2022-08-14 11:35:04

Добавил: di.llusion_

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One day when all of this is gone, would it feel like waking up from a dream?
Though dreams are not real, feelings are

Whatever you name it,
love, lust, or even «nothing»
it just exists, as it is

Videos source: my eyes are bleeding and my brain is malfunctioning after this 😂😂 so please inform if I miss out any source . I’m not sure but probably I used 17-18 videos from YouTube channel of Dimash; Gakku TV; Mingxi: moscowdears;
DimashRhapsody; Moon_kudaibergen; Dkinish; cn_dear_tingzi
Please inform if i miss out any source

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