Avare Gönül Yine Sensiz Hicrana Daldı — Melahat Pars — 20th Century Turkish Music

Название: Avare Gönül Yine Sensiz Hicrana Daldı — Melahat Pars — 20th Century Turkish Music

Категория: Турецкие песни

Длительность: 00:03:07

Год: 2023-05-06 12:30:00

Добавил: Turkish Culture

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«Avare Gönül Yine Sensiz Hicrana Daldı» (My wandering heart has once again drifted into longing without you) is a Turkish song composed by Melahat Pars and lyrics written by Yegâne Teksel. It is performed in the Hüzzam makam (mode) and Aksak usul (rhythm). The title translates to «My Wanderer Heart Drifts into Longing Without You Again».

Melahat Pars (1917-2005) was a Turkish ud player and composer. She was born in the Fatih district of Istanbul, Turkey. At an early age, her family noticed her interest in music and arranged for her to receive two years of notation and rhythm lessons from Kanun player Mustafa Bey. Later on, she continued her education at Darutta’lim-i Musiki and took ud and makam lessons from ud player Fahri Kopuz. In 1938, she married Hazım Pars. In 1944, she successfully passed an exam and began working as a singer for Ankara Radio. She composed her first piece, «Avare gönül yine sensiz hicrana daldı,» in the Hüzzam makam in 1948 and went on to compose around sixty pieces throughout her career. In 1953, she moved to Istanbul Radio, where she worked for many years and taught many young musicians, contributing to the development of Turkish art music. She also served as a member of the Istanbul Municipal Conservatory’s Performance Committee during these years. In 1985, she founded and served as a director for the Kalamış, Kadıköy, and Marmara music associations. She passed away on May 10, 2005.

Turkish Lyrics

Avare gönül yine sensiz hicrana daldı.
Bilmem ki neden o siyah gözlere kandı.
Hasta kalbim yaşamaktan bıktı, usandı.
Bilmem ki neden o siyah gözlere kandı.

English Translation

My wandering heart has once again drifted into longing without you,
I don’t know why it was deceived by those black eyes.
My sick heart grew tired and weary of living,
I don’t know why it was deceived by those black eyes.

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