Derdimi Ummana Döktüm — Şerif İçli — 20th Century Turkish Music

Название: Derdimi Ummana Döktüm — Şerif İçli — 20th Century Turkish Music

Категория: Турецкие песни

Длительность: 00:03:23

Год: 2023-05-13 23:33:33

Добавил: Turkish Culture

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«Derdimi Ummana Döktüm» is a Turkish classical music song composed by Şerif İçli with lyrics by Süleyman Nazif. It is set to the Hicaz makam (mode) and the Ağır Aksak usul (rhythm), both of which are commonly used in Turkish classical music.

Şerif İçli (1899-1956) was a Turkish composer and ud (a Middle Eastern lute) player, known for his contributions to Turkish classical music. He was born on December 20, 1899, in Beşiktaş, Istanbul to Hacı Ahmed Efendi and Şöhret Hanım. İçli completed his middle school education at Afitab-ı Maarif Rüştiyesi in Beşiktaş, but did not pursue higher education. After working in various government positions, İçli joined Ankara Radio in 1938, which was established in the same year. He later resigned from Ankara Radio in 1946 and returned to Istanbul. İçli composed many pieces in the Turkish classical music genre and collaborated with prominent singers such as Müzeyyen Senar and Yaşar Özel. İçli passed away on February 3, 1956, in Istanbul.

Turkish Lyrics

Derdimi ummana döktüm, asumana inledim,
Yare de âğyâre de hal-i derunum söyledim.
Aşina yok derdime, ben söyledim ben dinledim,
Gözlerim yollarda kaldı, gelmedin, çok bekledim.

English Translation

I poured my troubles into the seas and wept to the sky,
I shared the state of my soul with both acquaintances and strangers.
No one familiar to me was there for my troubles, I shared them myself and listened to myself,
My eyes remained on the road, I waited for you for so long.

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