Ezelden Aşinanım — Şerif İçli — 20th Century Turkish Music

Название: Ezelden Aşinanım — Şerif İçli — 20th Century Turkish Music

Категория: Турецкие песни

Длительность: 00:06:31

Год: 2023-05-12 17:33:45

Добавил: Turkish Culture

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«Ezelden Aşinanım» (I have known you since eternity) is a Turkish song composed by Şerif İçli with lyrics by Mehmet Akif Ersoy. The song is performed in the Hüseyni makam (mode) and uses the Curcuna usul (rhythm). The lyrics describe a strong bond between two people who have made a promise to stay together.

Şerif İçli (1899-1956) was a Turkish composer and ud (a Middle Eastern lute) player, known for his contributions to Turkish classical music. He was born on December 20, 1899, in Beşiktaş, Istanbul to Hacı Ahmed Efendi and Şöhret Hanım. İçli completed his middle school education at Afitab-ı Maarif Rüştiyesi in Beşiktaş, but did not pursue higher education. After working in various government positions, İçli joined Ankara Radio in 1938, which was established in the same year. He later resigned from Ankara Radio in 1946 and returned to Istanbul. İçli composed many pieces in the Turkish classical music genre and collaborated with prominent singers such as Müzeyyen Senar and Yaşar Özel. İçli passed away on February 3, 1956, in Istanbul.

Turkish Lyrics

Ezelden aşinanım ben, ezelden hem-zebanımsın.
Beraber ahde bağlandık, ne olsa yar-ı canımsın.
Ne olsam zerrenim, kalbimde hala çarpar esrarın.
Gel ey canan, gel ey can, kalmasın ferdaya didarın.

English Translation

I have known you since eternity, you are my intimate companion since then.
We made a covenant together, you are the beloved of my soul whatever happens.
No matter what I become, your secrets still beat in my heart.
Come, my beloved, come, so that the separation will not last forever.

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